Corporate Fitness by Fitcore

Work based wellness program benefits

Now is the time to start a fitness program at your business. Fitcore offers corporate wellness programs for all size companies. Wellness includes workouts, nutrition, yoga and an overall healthy mindset change. Fitness will reduce stress, sickness and the revolving door of employees. It is proven that companies that offer a fitness program to their employees reduce employees’ injuries, illness and healthcare costs, as well as increase employee retention and productivity. We all spend the majority of our time at work. In fact, Americans work an average of 48 hours a week, which is at least 165 hours more than 20 years ago. It is easy to see why creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle/work balance is more important than ever. Fitcore's corporate fitness and wellness programs will establish the balance your business needs.

Benefits of Work Based Wellness:

-Lower Healthcare Costs
Many studies show that a wellness program at work reduces healthcare costs. When employees are less stressed and healthier, they rely less on costly programs such as disability insurance and paid leave. One of the biggest benefits for your company is a reduction in the rates of illness and injuries among employees. Unhealthy people experience a wide range of work-related problems such as muscle strain, back pain, carpal tunnel, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Other benefits include fewer doctor visits and fewer medications. Your company's cost will increase as it helps fight sedentary habits that lead to health issues such as heart disease.

-Healthier Habits=Less Stress
Reducing sick days is one of the biggest benefits to the employer. Employees who are stressed, unhealthy or overworked tend to become sick more often than stress free employees. Wellness programs drastically reduce stress and provide an outlet for employees to channel out the potential build up of stress. This healthy life change creates new values that can help employees adopt better life long behaviors.

Giving your employees an outlet will allow them to return to work with energy and motivation that they cannot find anywhere else. Employees who are healthy are more productive. A clear head and a healthy heart will dramatically increase production and efficiency.

-Diverse Work Day
Working out during work hours will help employees break up the routine of the day and will make returning to work more exciting. Working out has multiple benefits. It stimulates endorphins that help people feel happier and more positive.
That’s never a bad thing have at work. In the 90s, Google took a different approach with their employees than what was not normal for a business at the time. It added a wellness program. It made its office a place where people wanted to work. The wellness program improved morale, unity and productivity. Companies across the country are now trying to emulate Google’s success by establishing wellness programs.

-Creating a Culture
Employees who workout together create a bond with a healthier mindset. In turn they build relationships that will last. Corporate wellness programs provide the glue for higher retention rates. Companies that have a wellness program experience a much lower rate of employee turnover. Advertising, marketing and recruiting for positions are time consuming and costly. When your employees are healthy and happy, you can focus more time and energy on getting the job done.

-Sense Of Accomplishment
When employees are reaching new levels of fitness and feeling healthier every day, they automatically transfer that newfound confidence and motivation to their work life.

-Improved Physical Fitness & Weight Loss
Wellness focused companies perform better. And the most basic and true benefit to a wellness program is looking better, feeling better and living longer. Nothing bad comes from better health.

-Full Health Balance
Nutrition is one of the five foundations in all around wellness in Fitcore’s approach. The others are: a healthy mindset with clear goals and the knowledge of what it takes to get there; a vast increase in movement — we offer anything from full workouts all the way down to walking; a value in rest, recovery and recharging — physically, mentally and even spiritually; a proper mindset of what it means to be healthy from the inside out with the right intentions.

You’ll never regret a good workout!
You should take advantage of all the benefits of corporate fitness, health and wellness — sooner the better!
